
Ghana is a country that records high rate of unemployment every academic year. This is due to the fact that our educational system does not orient students with employable skills and they become burden on the society they live in. some schools do not engage the students in practical learning, only the theory aspects and it becomes difficult for the students to transfer their theoretical knowledge to practical solutions that could be an assets for such students.

Municipality in the Accra residential and characteristically slum areas. People living in these areas are in condition of extreme poverty and consequently they have no possibility to afford the costs of basic needs, such as shelter, education, healthcare and food.

The majority of the families have an average number of six children per household and they struggle to survive by doing odd jobs. Therefore, all the family incomes are basically oriented to first needs and in most cases they cannot afford the cost of school fees for the children. In the case of a family that can afford the cost of the school fees, most of them don’t have money to purchase school materials, as exercise books and texts. As a result most of these poor families choose very simple and poor but affordable schools for their children. Children from poor families attend schools that have no libraries or opportunities for research. Yet these very children are examined together with the rest of the better off children who have access to good schools with all the necessary facilities. The extreme consequence of this is that the children that are in need of a scholarship to continue their studies, are the ones without possibilities to obtain it. The opposite is true, that it is the well-off children who after attending very good schools perform better and are eligible for free higher education at university level.

For the children from these poor families who succeed to be in school, continuing with the education is still a big challenge this is because many of them drop out (stop) due to other reasons such as family needs. For example many girls stop going to school in order to take care of the sick parent at home or boys to do some work to support the home. By the time such a child is free to go back to school it is no longer possible to continue with the regular schools. The only options are entrepreneurs and vocational skills training. However, the cost of entrepreneurs and vocational skills training, that could be considered as a middle solution between work and school, are still beyond the means of many poor families living in these slum areas.

Illiteracy have negative consequences on the whole family, for the reason that a parent that hasn’t received an education, is not able to get a good job and is not able to pay the school fees for his children. Unfortunately the same parent cares very little about the size of his family thereby creating a vicious circle of poor families transmitted from generation to generation.

Through increasing quality and access to affordable education for poor children, and skills training for poor youth and women, this project aims to give a concrete possibility of social and economic empowerment to the adults of tomorrow and to all their families. Therefore, in this project we request you to support us the amount of 58100USD for entrepreneurship and innovation training center, vocational skills training, to run professional trainings, ICT training, and to promote community development.